A young man secretly contacted me on Facebook that he can give me a soft loan of N100,000 when I announced my difficulty to transfer money to Nigeria through my money transfer agent in London. This help came as a shock to me. N100,000 loan, just like that from a Facebook friend?
To be honest, I don’t know this young man in real life but he transferred the N100,000 to the specified Nigerian bank account within 30 minutes. That’s TRUST. I swear to God!
I promised to pay back the loan after the Christmas holiday but he told me not to rush to pay back. My conscience pricked me to pay back the N100,000 as urgent as possible.
I just paid him today without any long story. That’s a big sacrifice for my Facebook friends (not known to me in real life, not even my blood relations!)
I always love to walk my talk, I promised to give out N100,000 to selected Facebook friends, the rest is now history. This is my personal money, my sweat and my ‘hard work’ in the wicked cold of Scotland, no shame to tell anybody.
This young man said my integrity(and popularity) on social media is more than N100,000 and that was the reason he dropped the money without any problem.
May God bless this young man who confessed that he is one of my loyal Facebook friends for over 5 years.(Awon Eniyan Jagunmolu Tokan Tokan).
As stated some days ago, I cannot satisfy all my Facebook friends.(Say wetin happen? I dey contest election?). I am not yet a rich man, I also need money, no shame to say it openly.
Without asking anybody to pity my condition, I must work like “Mr Machine” to pay for my postgraduate education in Scotland next year unless I win a lottery or positive results from the highly-competitive scholarships.
I don’t know how to ‘apologise’ to many Facebook friends not selected to share from N100,000 Christmas bonanza. I cannot ‘cough out’ more than N100,000, it would surely affect my personal budget. I am not the only ‘generous’ Nigerian citizen (living in Europe & America) on social media. I also need HELP!!!
To cut the long story short, may God reward my kindness to fellow human beings and grant my requests as urgent as possible. Nobody knows tomorrow of anybody in this life.
All these good deeds for total strangers must surely speak for me in this world and on the day of judgment. 100 % Amen. May God continue to rest the soul of my sweet mother. I miss Mama Gani on a regular basis since June 28th, 2012.
From the bottom of my heart, I am wishing all my true Facebook friends and loyal fans a prosperous new year with unlimited opportunities and success stories in advance. Thanks for reading my update. I love you all.